You've probably heard about the Family Scholarship, right? O Family Scholarship is a program of Federal government which currently helps over 300,000 Brazilian families and has improved the lives of many citizens who were in extreme poverty. 

With that in mind, in this article we are going to talk a little more about this government program and how it is possible to be entitled to Family Scholarship, as well as consult the benefit without having to leave your home. 

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Learn more about Bolsa Familia

O Family Scholarship is a program of Federal government which has the objective of transferring income to needy families in situations of poverty and extreme poverty in Brazil.

O Bolsa Família Program  was established in 2003, during the Lula government and became law in 2004. Currently, the Family Scholarship it is a right for all Brazilians who are part of needy families and in a situation of poverty.   

O Family Scholarship one of its main objectives, in addition to helping many Brazilians earn an income, is also to fight hunger, ensure food security and promote access to public services, such as in the area of health, education and social assistance.

Who is entitled to participate in Bolsa Familia?

Those belonging to families living in poverty and extreme poverty are entitled to receive assistance from the Family Scholarship to be entitled to better income and conditions.

But it is necessary to prove that they have an income of up to R$ 89.00 per person for those in extreme poverty and an income of up to R$ 178.00 for those in poverty.

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How to register for Bolsa Família?

To register on Bolsa Família Program, you need to look for a sector responsible for the program in your municipality, in some regions the sector responsible for registering families is the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS).

When contacting the CRAS, it is necessary to take the documents of all family members and proof of income to verify that the income is compatible with up to two minimum wages.

After that, the guardian and all family members can get a registration on the Single Registry (CadÚnico)🇧🇷 through the CadUnique, it is possible to monitor all the families that are part of the program.

How can I check my Bolsa Família balance?

For those who are already part of the Bolsa Família Program, it is possible to monitor how the balance of the benefit is and also check when it will be deposited and what are the next dates.

It is possible to have access to Bolsa Família balance in person, going to one of the branches of the Cashier your city or over the internet, through the application and the bank's website.

Caixa Econômica Federal Official Website

on the website of Cashier, the families that are part of the Family Scholarship can access the balance of the benefit via the internet. The balance query is made directly on the website of Federal Savings Bank.

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To make the query through the website, access the link above and click on the button “See Benefits by family”. Remembering that you need to log in, informing your data, such as CPF and NIS of Bolsa Família card.

When the login is performed, the name of the person in charge of the family will appear and then just click on the table option with the amounts that have already been withdrawn and those that are already available. 

Another tip is that through the Cashier, it is also possible to have access to all the payment dates of the Family Scholarship, through the option “Payment Schedule”.

Box Apps

Another option to consult your Bolsa Família balance, is through the applications of Cashier which are intended for customers who already have a bank account and receive some type of government assistance. 

box has

in the app box has, available to android and iOS, you can check your balance directly from your cell phone and also other benefits such as Emergency Aid and others. 

To do so, just access the option in the upper corner “Show Balance”, where you can check if the benefit has already been deposited into your account. In this way, it is also possible to check all the information about Family Scholarship.

Bolsa Família application

despite in the app box has be able to learn more about the Bolsa Família benefit. For those who are already part of this program, it is possible to check the balance directly in the Application of Family Scholarship

O Bolsa Familia app is available for android and iOS. To make the query through it, simply register, informing your documents and date of birth, in addition to an email and password for login. 

Within the app, the user can access the menu and click on the option “Benefits” to get access to all the installments and information about the Bolsa Família Program.