If you are part of a Federal Government social program and are in need of money, know that there is an alternative. A line of credit for families that are part of the Bolsa Família Program.

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So check out this article, find out what is the Bolsa Familia Microcredit, how it works and how to apply for this line of credit.

Check out what Bolsa Família Microcredit is and how to apply

O Bolsa Familia Microcredit, also known as Microcredit Progress, it is a line of credit for those who are already part of the social program, but are in need of money. 

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The loan can be applied for by those who are micro-entrepreneurs and who are also part of the Progress Program🇧🇷 This program aims to facilitate lines of credit for low-income citizens through the Federal Government. 

That microcredit it works as a way to help increase income and maintain small businesses or even self-employed workers. However, to apply for this type of credit, you must meet certain requirements.

Some of the requirements are income below R$ 170 per person. In addition, if there are young people and children in the family, they must be enrolled in public schools. It is also necessary to have an active registration in the CadÚnico, to prove that you participate in a social program and receive assistance. 

In addition, it is also necessary to have a registration in the Individual Microentrepreneur (MEI), to prove that you own a micro-enterprise or that you work autonomously. This registration can be done through the website of the Entrepreneur Portal

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How to apply for Bolsa Família Microcredit?

If the person complies with the prerequisites mentioned above, it is enough to apply for a loan on the website of the Microcredit Progress🇧🇷 First, you need to register by clicking on the option "New register", then you need to inform your CPF and state.

Then just confirm your details and complete your registration. It is also worth remembering that a credit analysis will be carried out to check if it is possible to apply for a loan in your name. The average loan amount is R$ 3 thousand up to R$ 15 thousand. 

Interest rates for Bolsa Família Microcredit

The interest rates charged on loans through the Microcredit Progress, may vary according to the citizen's profile, the amount to be borrowed and the number of installments to be paid. 


For more information about the Bolsa Familia Microcredit, visit the website of Progress Program, register and clear all your doubts about this line of credit for small entrepreneurs.