Everyone must have heard about the Family Scholarship, a social program that helps thousands of Brazilian families escape poverty. But did you know that this benefit is deposited into the accounts of these beneficiaries on certain dates of the month?

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Check out in this article how it works calendar of Bolsa Familia, as well as more information about this program from the Federal government.

Learn more about Bolsa Família and how its calendar works

About Bolsa Família

O Family Scholarship is a social program created by Federal government with the aim of transferring income to needy families who are in poverty and extreme poverty in Brazil.

Families participating in this program meet certain requirements, such as having an income of up to R$ 89.00 per person for groups that are in extreme poverty. 178.00.

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To register on Family Scholarship, you need to look for a sector responsible for the program in your region, one of them is the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS). Therefore, just take the documents of all dependents of the families and also documents that prove the income that must be up to 2 minimum wages.

Those who are registered in the program have the Single Registry (CadÚnico), in which it is possible to monitor all families, as well as facilitate the right to education, food and health.

Every month, the families that are part of the Family Scholarship manage to withdraw this benefit according to a schedule. Check out how this calendar works below.

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How does the Bolsa Família Calendar work?

At the Bolsa Familia calendar beneficiaries begin to receive benefit installments every fortnight of each month. For example, in the month of March, the deposit started to be released from the 18th to the 31st. However, in April, due to the withdrawal of the Emergency Aid, beneficiaries will be able to receive from 04/16 to 04/30. 

The benefit payment dates Family Scholarship are established according to the last number of the NIS (Social Identification Number) present in Bolsa Família Card.

In 2020, those who have the NIS from 0 to 9, in which these final numbers received in the month of December and those who had the NIS number from 1 to 5, received the benefit in the months of February and March. When the dates are announced, families have up to 90 days to withdraw this benefit.

In this way, when the amount is deposited in the account of Bolsa Família beneficiaries, it is necessary to access the Bolsa Família application. Family Scholarship, available to android and iOS. Or, go to one of the branches of the Cashier to withdraw this value.

For more information about the scheduled dates in the Bolsa Família Calendar, visit the website of Cashier or contact by phone 0800-726-0207.