You DMV car and motorcycle auctions can be considered a good opportunity to get a car or motorcycle for much more affordable values than in stores and dealerships.  

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And as we have mentioned in other articles, the State Traffic Department (Detran)  every year usually perform car and motorcycle auctions. These vehicles usually were seized in transit operations. 

These auctions offer a great chance to buy your dream car or motorcycle from major brands or popular models, at the most affordable prices on the market. With that in mind, today we are going to talk a little about how the DMV car and motorcycle auction, check below.

Learn more about the Detran car and motorcycle auction

O DMV car and motorcycle auction is a vehicle sale event that aims to auction cars and motorcycles for cheaper prices. These cars and motorcycles for sale usually come from apprehensions during police operations, for example, in a blitz for containing certain irregularities, such as fines or overdue documentation.

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in those DMV car and motorcycle auctions, it is also possible to find vehicles that are considered scrap, in which these cars and motorcycles for sale can no longer circulate, but their parts can be used for repairs.

When the DMV car and motorcycle auction is happening, it is usually announced in the media, such as TV, radio and the internet. Those interested must pay attention to the edicts to register and participate. 

It is common that DMV car and motorcycle auctions, usually happen in the first months of the year or even in the last few months. For this reason, it is recommended to pay attention to news and news.  

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In the notice of Detran car and motorcycle auction, Interested buyers must pre-register on the website of DMV and wait for the event date. Before the event, the buyer can also visit the courtyard of the DMV to verify whether the chosen vehicle is in good condition. In this way, it is possible to avoid losses and the purchase of a vehicle that may cause future problems. 

During the DMV car and motorcycle auction, the auctioneer will start bidding by informing the minimum and maximum values. The buyer who manages to place the highest bids will be able to keep the car or motorcycle. 

at the end of DMV car and motorcycle auction, when bidding is closed, the buyer who auctions off the vehicle must contact the DMV and sign a term that proves the purchase.

However, when buying a car or motorcycle from an auction, you must be aware that you will have to bear all the expenses to regularize the vehicle. In addition, depending on the origin, these vehicles may have overdue debts, such as fines, documentation, needing mechanical adjustments, etc. 

Therefore, it is recommended that the buyer save money to invest in bids and be able to regularize the vehicle. In addition, it is necessary to be attentive and find out about fees charged by the auctioneer that will hold the event.