At some point while browsing the internet, you may have contacted the remarketing. That's because when we are on the internet and we search on shopping sites for a particular product and then when we leave it, we are bombarded by ads like that.

Although some people don't like the remarketing, it can help your visitors not forget about your company.

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What is Remarketing?

O remarketing nothing more than a strategy digital marketing that uses the tool Google for companies to reach more visitors or to keep people who have already been on their site, interested in their products through advertisements.

That way, ads on your site about products searched by certain visitors appear elsewhere.

But how does Remarketing work?

One remarketing campaign, works as follows, for example, if he entered your site looking for a product, but ended up giving up on buying it.

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This customer will likely search elsewhere, but as your ad is seen, this could also influence them to come back to your online store and make a purchase.

But before this strategy can be applied, it is necessary to gain the confidence of your visitor. Offering free content that is of interest to you. In this way, you will also be able to earn credibility.

Is it worth using Remarketing in my business?

O remarketing is thinking for those who want to increase the flow of visitors and possible customers on their website. Therefore, we have selected some positive points about using this strategy in your company.

increase in customers

An ad being seen often can trigger the customer's desire to buy and make them come back to your page more often. Or else, you can attract new clients.

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Number of visits and clicks

Those adverts can increase the number of visitors interested in the content of your site as they may have been influenced by the advertisements.


Some consumers tend to like and get used to the remarketing, as ads help them remember what they were looking to buy and possibly come back to your site.  

Where can these ads be seen?


You are probably already logged into your profile on Facebook and seen some ads for products you had been looking for. Or else, some sponsored posts passing through your timeline, right? These are strategies for remarketing!


In the same way, you were looking at your friends' most recent posts on Instagram and came across a publication by a company and coincidentally about a service or product of interest. This is also a remarketing strategy.


I was searching for something in the search engine of the Google, sponsored links appeared and then what you searched for appeared on other sites? yes that is also remarketing.