more and more the marketing has become an important tool within a company. It is through it that strategies are created for a business to succeed and reach more consumers.

That's why there are marketing tools, that can help both in a physical business and online. Therefore, we are going to give you some tips about these tools and how important they are on your page.

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Website hosting

You hosting services of websites is one of the initial steps for creating your digital business. It is through him that your website will be live and begin to exist.

There are paid and free options, but those that do not have a monthly fee may be more restricted. Check out some companies that host websites below:

E-mail marketing

It is a mechanism that sends emails for you target Audience that accompanies your website or blog. These emails can be based on your mailing list. customer contacts or leads created. For example, when a reader accesses your page and registers to receive news on that subject.

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O template is nothing more than the themes available for your blog. The more interesting and different it is, the more your site will look like being serious and respectful, in relation to the subjects covered in it.

One tip is to invest in a template paid, which can be customized the way you want and will be exactly the style of your company.

Sites like WordPress, offer a tab with several options for themes, some of them at very affordable prices. You can also search for pages specializing in sales of these templates.

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landing pages

At landing pages are basically landing pages, which focus on converting visitors. For example, it's a post that will have only one objective, which is to get the customer to buy your products, be it a ebook, online course etc.

On this page, the customer cannot be distracted by other elements and needs to have your full attention to want to know more about that product or service you are offering.


O design is an essential tool that brings your website to life, leaving the face of your business! But if you don't have much knowledge in this area, don't worry, as there are websites with ready-made templates for different digital products.

An example of this is the canvas, where it is possible to create slides more modern and different, banners, post templates for social networks, logos and advertisements.

Product sales tool

There are platforms that help you sell your products and that make it easier for customers to pay. An example of this is the website hotmart, through which companies can sell digital products, as ebooks and online courses.