Do you know what is copywriter? If you don't know, you probably have read some text in which its author had a great power of persuasion.

This strategy is widely used by companies so that a text can convince the reader to buy a particular service or product.

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Therefore, we will explain to you what is the copywriter, how it works and how it can help persuade your customers to buy your products.

What is Copywriter?

O copywriter nothing more than one editor responsible for write creative texts with the objective of selling some product to its readers. This author uses some techniques that transform ordinary texts into profitable materials.

The author of these texts has as main mission convert a reader in a potential customer, making him interested in your text and encouraging him to buy a product, download content or hire a service from the company.

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The term appeared in 1828, when Noah Webster used the term "copy" to define what would be copyrighted materials of a particular company that were published by the press.

then the term “copywriter” became the one who wrote the stories for these ads to be released.

What types of texts do Copywriters write?

O copywriter is responsible for writing different formats of texts with the intention of promoting a product and making it sell.

This professional can write from advertisements to even texts for TV and radio, contents for magazine and newspapers. As well, content for marketing emails, posts in social networks, between others.

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Below, we will show you some content produced by Coywriters that are essential for a brand or a product to be known in the market.

Advertising piece

At advertisement pieces are the advertisements of a campaign. For example, a banner of a new product, advertisements for newspaper, at Internet, radio, TV etc. It is the duty of copywriter create one visual identity, as well as defining a language, colors, design, among others.

Itineraries and Articles

You scripts help create a advertising for a product to be launched, such as the TV ads. It will be through it that the company will present its product to its customers. O copywriter may also be responsible for these audiovisual scripts.

The articles, on the other hand, can be a text that will use strategies from the Inbound Marketing and Content Marketing.

At this point, the author will be a SEO Copywriting that will create content according to the parameters of the IF THE and that help the website or blog to be seen in search engine searches of the Google.

E-mail marketing

O e-mail marketing is a strategy that belongs to the Digital marketing, are texts sent to readers who have subscribed to your website or blog to receive news in your electronic email. It is a way to directly reach the customer.