O Bolsa do Povo Education Program, granted by state of São Paulo, is so that it is possible for family members of students from schools in the public education network to be hired to collaborate with health protocols against Covid-19, through monitoring for this purpose.

In addition, thousands of employees belonging to students' relatives in the municipalities of the metropolitan region of Campinas will be hired. Registration opened on the day July 19th and until the 31st of that same month.

The significant amount of relatives to be hired to work 4 hours a day. These people who are chosen will receive an amount of 500 reais during the six months of the contract.

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Those selected for the program will have to be the student's parents or be their legal representatives, who will be a student enrolled in a public unit of the state network and the person responsible for participating will have to be between 18 and 59 years old. 

In addition, to be a participant in Bolsa do Povo Educação, you will have to be unemployed for at least 3 months and live in a residence that is located up to two kilometers away from the educational institution.

It is worth mentioning that the State has greater consideration for candidates who have a record in the CadÚnico and that the child attends the desired school.

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Heads up!

Do not forget that registration for this opportunity can only be carried out until the 31st of July.

See how to register for the Bolsa do Povo Educação program in SP

1- Access the official website of the program: https://www.bolsadopovo.sp.gov.br/ ;

2- Look for the option that says “Education” and click on it;

3- It is important to read the information on the Bolsa do Povo Educação program, to be aware of whether or not you meet the prerequisites, if you meet them and everything is right, you can click on “Enroll”;

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4- Fill in the form with everything you ask for, which in this case will be your initial personal data;

5- Another factor to point out is the fact that people who have comorbidities cannot be selected, since they increase the risks of critical conditions in the occurrences of Covid-19. Therefore, when filling in and reaching this part, make it clear that you are not in the risk group, if you are not;

6- Having done what was said above, you can click on “Next Step”;

7- You can select the 3 schools that are closest to your residence. You cannot forget to check that they are within the space established by the Government, which is up to 2 km;

Once you've done everything shown, you're done! All you have to do is wait for a response from the Government of the State of São Paulo to find out if you are able or not to be part of the Bolsa do Povo Education Program. So far, the exact moment when the final results of the program will be informed has not been officially announced.

What do you think of the information available here? Do you know someone who has the profile to participate in the program? So enjoy and share with your friends. Stay tuned for our next posts.