Recently, the government of São Paulo announced the launch of the social program “Gas Valley”, which has the objective of giving financial assistance to low-income families to acquire a cylinder of LPG cooking gas (Liquefied Petroleum Gas), so they can continue cooking their food despite the increase in gas. 

Vale Gás social assistance will be made available in up to three installments in the amount of R$ 100.00 every two months, taking into account the average consumption time of a family in Brazil, totaling R$ 300 reais at the end of the program. 

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In an interview, the governor of Sao Paulo, João Dória (PSDB-SP) together with the Secretary of Social Development, Célia Parnes, informed the press at Palácio dos Bandeirantes that the program will benefit 100 thousand families throughout the state of São Paulo, starting in July. 

The government's initiative is intended to guarantee the purchase of 13 kg cooking gas cylinders. In total, the program will have an investment of R$ 31.3 million, benefiting 500 thousand people in situations of social vulnerability in 82 municipalities of the state of São Paulo. 

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Therefore, we prepared this article to help people who wish to obtain more information about the Vale Gás program. Want to know more? Read carefully until the end. 

Who can participate in the program 

The program will be aimed at families with monthly income of up to R$ 178.00 and that they are registered in the single registration, and that they do not receive the Family Scholarship, as it is understood that people who are part of the Bolsa Família program already have the basics to buy gas cylinders every two months. In addition, it is necessary to reside in favelas and communities. 

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To check if you will be within the estimated profile to receive the Gas Valley aid, you can also access the website:, so it will be possible to view the eligibility criteria through the NIS number. 

People who do not have access to the internet can contact the assistance provided by the São Paulo Department of Social Development, by telephone: (11) 2763-8103.

How to register

It will not be necessary to register to gain access to the benefit, as the Social Secretary of the State of São Paulo informed through official notes that the selection will be made through analysis of the financial profiles of families enrolled in the single registry. 

Cities that will benefit from the benefit 

Carapicuíba, Cordeirópolis, Cotia, Cruzeiro, Cubatão, Diadema, Embu das Artes, Ferraz de Vasconcelos, Francisco Morato, Franco da Rocha, Guaratinguetá, Guarujá, Guatulhos, Rio Claro, Rio Grande da Serra, Salto, Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo, Santana de Parnaíba, Santo André, Santos, São Bernardo do Campo, São José dos Campos, São Paulo, São Pedro, São Roque, Hortolândia, Ibirarema, Ibiúna, Ilhabela, Itapecerica da Serram, Itapevi, Itaquaquecetuba, Itirapina, Itu, Jacareí, Jandira , Jundiaí, Lorena, Mairinque, Mairiporã, Marília, Mauá, Mogi das Cruzes, Osasco, Pederneiras, Peruíbe, Piracicaba, Pirapora do Bom Jesus, Poá, Praia Grande, Ribeirão Pires, Americana, Amparo, Atibaia, Bananal, Barueri Ribeirão Preto, São Sebastião, São Vicente, Sorocaba, Sumaré, Suzano, Tabatinga, Taboão da Serra, Tatuí, Tremembé, Ubatuba, Várzea Paulista, Votorantim, Bauru, Bertioga, Biritiba-Mirim, Botucatu, Caçapava, Caieiras, Cajamar, Campinas, Campo Limpo Paulista , Campos do Jordão, Capivari, Caraguatatuba.