You've probably heard about the Family Scholarship in the news. But do you know how the Bolsa Família Program and how is it possible to participate in this social program? 

In this article, we will clarify all your doubts about the Bolsa Família Program and how to be part of and receive this benefit from Federal government.

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Find out more about the Bolsa Família Program

O Family Scholarship is a program of Federal government which has already helped more than 300,000 Brazilian families and aims to offer an allowance for needy families in poverty and extreme poverty in Brazil.

O Bolsa Família Program was instituted in 2003 and soon came to be considered a right for many Brazilians who are part of needy families and in poverty.   

O Family Scholarship in addition to helping many Brazilians to have an income, it also helps fight hunger and guarantees the right to health, education and social assistance.

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Which families can participate in Bolsa Família?

can participate in Family Program, families that are in poverty and extreme poverty and that have an income of up to two minimum wages.

For example, families that have an income of up to R$ 89.00 per person and are in a situation of extreme poverty and families with an income of up to R$ 178.00 and that are in a situation of poverty.

Therefore, those who fit these requirements can look for a sector responsible for the Family Scholarship in your region and register.

How to register for Bolsa Família?

As we mentioned earlier, to register for the Bolsa Família Program, it is necessary to contact the sector responsible for social programs in your municipality, such as the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS).

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When contacting this sector, a person responsible for the family must take the documents of all family members and proof of income to verify that their income is compatible with the program requirements.

If everything is in agreement, immediately afterwards, the person in charge and all the members of the family will have a form in the Single Registry (CadÚnico). Furthermore, it is through CadUnique, that it is possible to follow up all the families that are part of the Family Scholarship and who participate in social projects of the Federal Government.

After that, families begin to receive a subsidy so that they can get better living conditions. In addition, the withdrawal of this benefit from the Family Scholarship is picked up at one of the branches of the Federal Savings Bank.

How does the Bolsa Família payment work?

Payment to beneficiaries of the Bolsa Família Program works according to a calendar, called Bolsa Família Calendar, in which the dates are established according to a numbering.

Payment dates are according to the last number of the NIS (Social Identification Number) of Bolsa Família card. Generally, those who are numbered from 0 to 9 begin to receive a portion of the benefit first and after that, those who have the NIS from 1 to 5. 

To learn more about the calendar, as well as check the balance and other benefits of Bolsa Família Program, visit the website of Ministry of Citizenship and clear all your doubts!