O Young Apprentice Program is a project that aims to give young people and teenagers the opportunity to get a job in large companies and still manage to improve their knowledge in a certain professional area.

Therefore, many banks usually offer vacancies for young apprentices who want to enter the job market. With that in mind, today we are going to talk a little about the Banco do Brasil Young Apprentice Program, how it works and how to participate, check it out!

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Learn more about the Banco do Brasil Young Apprentice Program

About Banco do Brasil

Banco do Brasil SA, also known just as Bank of Brazil or BB, is a Brazilian financial institution that belongs to the Federal Government of Brazil and is one of the five state banks of the Brazilian government.

Currently, the bank has more than 4321 branches in 27 Brazilian states. The company offers its customers financial services such as opening a checking account, savings, credit card, loans, financing and others.

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How does the Banco do Brasil Young Apprentice Program work?

Currently, the Bank of Brazil offers vacancies for young people who belong to low-income families in order to give them an opportunity in the job market and professional, social and personal development. 

There are two programs in which young people and teenagers can enroll, the BB Apprentice Program it's the Young Apprentice Program. In which candidates are selected to work in various areas of the financial company and also encourages students to dedicate themselves to studies with activities in the professional area.

O Bank of Brazil currently has around four thousand young apprentices who are public school students or scholarship holders who study in private schools. 

How can I participate in the Banco do Brasil Young Apprentice Program?

to participate in Banco do Brasil Young Apprentice Program it is necessary to choose which of the two programs the student would like to enroll in, according to certain requirements to fill the vacancy.

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At the BB Apprentice Program, the student must be between 15 and 16 years old, have a family income of up to half the minimum wage, study in public schools or be a scholarship holder in private schools. In addition, you must have attended at least the seventh grade.

not anymore Young Apprentice Program in which it is necessary to be between 18 and 22 years old, have a family income of up to one minimum wage, be attending at least the first year of high school and if you have already completed high school, you cannot be attending a higher education institution.

Selected candidates must complete an aptitude testing session with a non-profit organization that partners with the Bank of Brazil. And if they are selected, they earn between one minimum wage and one and a half minimum wages, in addition to food vouchers, transportation vouchers and health insurance.

For more information about the Young Apprentice Program of Banco do Brasil, access the website of Bank of Brazil or contact us at 0800-729-0001.