You're just starting out with your website and you've probably already noticed how much IF THE is essential when write good texts and for them to be seen by your readers, right?

One of the elements present in SEO strategies and the link building. So, now check out what the link building and how it can help in your texts.

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What is Link Building?

O link building It is an SEO strategy that helps to show search engines, for example, the Google that your site is a reference on a certain subject.

When you write a text, you usually put links internal and external. These links are read and track contents, relating them to each other. In this way, the Google can tell if a web page has relevant content and whether it may appear in search results.

Likewise, if your site is also cited by others, it can become a reference on the subject. So the search engine will understand that if you were cited as a reference, it is because your content is rich and has relevant data.

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As well, you can build a network of links with internal links that show other articles already made with similar subjects or that complement and explain terms and subjects mentioned in current articles.

The importance of links in articles

But before thinking about how the search engine will read the sites of a site, it is necessary to think about the reader, because it will be through these links that they will find your texts.

You don't necessarily need to insert multiple links in your text, just the ones you really need. This will help a lot in reading experience and will make everything easier to read and understand.

But do you know how important links are to a website? Since the internet appeared, links help websites to simply exist and be found by their visitors.

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In the past, search engines organized websites through a alphabetical order and themes, for example, sport, entertainment, culture and others. But over the years, the number of existing sites on the web has increased and other ways of finding these pages have been adopted.

It was then that the process of searching for sites made by the PageRank, in which the relevance of a site behind the number of links that the posts contained, as well as key words and other requirements. It was a kind of ranking of best pages on a subject.

This method worked as a academic text in which they are analyzed how the academic used the different authors and the number of times they were cited during the article.

With the advancement of technology, new ways of evaluating whether a web page is relevant or not have emerged, for example, with some basic rules of IF THE. And it's no wonder that today many sites have adapted to it to comply with the requirements of the Google.

How to Create a Link Building for Your Website

It's simpler than it looks, as mentioned above, you can put subject links that have already been done. Also graphics links, studies deeds, questionnaires, polls and much more.

In addition, you can increase your authority on a subject by creating in-depth guides on a given subject. For example, a travel guide. All of this will make your posts even richer and show your readers that your content is quality.