Anyone who works with content production has probably felt creative block at some point in their lives. 

Creative block is what we call that feeling that your ideas are gone and you don't know what else to do. He can appear in any profession that needs a little inspiration, like musicians, writers, etc. 

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And in fact it is very complicated, you maintain production in a consistent way and with quality for a long time. 

Read on to understand a little more about where this feeling comes from, and simple ways to combat it. 

Reasons that may be causing you creative block

Before we show you how you can fight it, it is important that you know the main causes of this blockage. That way you can identify in your routine if there are any of these items. 

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  • Perfectionism: excessive desire to redo all the time until perfection is reached (which is unattainable! Turn off autocorrect and let your imperfection be the life of your writing). 
  • Fear of past successes: when you have already obtained very good results, and you start to demand such good results for the next ones.
  • Fear of rejection.
  • Difficulty of choosing: content creators must suffer from this. With so many theme options, freedom ends up making us paralyzed. 
  • Routine boredom: especially for those who work at home, the sameness of routine can be a big cause of blockage.

Techniques to combat creative block

Even knowing the main causes, creative block is not something that can be completely fought. It is inevitable that at one time or another you will find it more difficult to produce your maximum. 

Turn off all distractions, especially digital ones

One of the top tips for staying creative is to stay focused. Nowadays social networks occupy a lot of our time, and a lot of our attention. 

That attention you're giving to social media is wasted energy that you could be using to feel useful. 

Of course we are not going to become robots. Relaxing moments are necessary. But the moments when you decide that you are going to create, keep everything that might distract you away! 

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write freely 

If you suffer from perfectionism, this tip can be very helpful. Start making a habit of not thinking too much, just putting your thoughts on paper. Not worrying if it looks amazing, just letting ideas come freely. Don't criticize your thinking, or worry too much about spelling. 

After this process, you will polish and fix the things that can improve. 

This exercise is very beneficial to start paying more attention to your insights. 

take breaks 

If you're finding yourself entering creative block, stop charging yourself. Get up, go take a shower, walk the dog, watch some futility on television. Feeling exhausted and drained can be one of the causes, so don't let that stress intensify. 

Change your workspace 

If you've been working from home, the tedious routine can be a killer for the creative process. Seek to innovate, have new perspectives. It sounds like a silly tip, but just changing where you spend your afternoons can help you a lot. 

Sleep well! 

It is important to cherish a good night's sleep. That's when your brain will rest, and recharge for the next day. Suspending irregular sleep for too many days in a row is not a good habit for creatives