The negative point that many point to not buying a car or motorcycle at an auction is the fact that the amount must be paid in cash.

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For us Brazilian mortals, having all the value of a car in sight is not always easy, and this thought ends up limiting many who do not have all the money in hand.

But the point is that many companies and banks have a line of credit that is exclusive for buying cars and that line can be used to buy an auction car.

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Auto Caixa Credit

Caixa, one of the best-known banks in Brazil, has the Credit Auto Caixa line, made especially for individuals, for the purchase of a new or used car. In it, Caixa provides up to 80% of the value of the vehicle, that is, you will only need 20% to buy.

Rates are pre-fixed from 1,49% per month, with no additional charges.

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How it works?

The rate is pre-fixed and can finance 80% of the vehicle, new or used. The payment period is up to 60 months.
Regarding fees and warranty, it is normal to charge IOF, the interest rate as mentioned above, is from 1.49% and may vary according to the term, value and year of manufacture of the vehicle.
The guarantee is the Alienation of the vehicle.

How to get Auto Caixa Credit?

The first thing is to know all the necessary documents, which are:
– RG and CPF in good standing with the Federal Revenue Service.
– Proof of residence and income.
– DUT or vehicle note.
– Form from the DETRAN of your city that informs the absence of debts, such as IPVA, fines, depevat, etc.

After all the documentation is in hand, go to a Box in your region and forward the request, which will be subject to approval.

If everything is ok, you will soon have the money to buy a vehicle.

Other forms of loans can also make life easier for those looking for a high amount to purchase a good, today we are talking about Auto Credit, for more information about loans, see our list of contents about LOAN.