If you are looking for a loan to pay your debts or even to start some personal project, such as a renovation or a trip, the Bradesco Bank offers its customers a personal loan option with several advantages.

With that in mind, in this article we are going to talk a little about how the Personal Loan at Bradesco and how to apply now to get some money to carry out your projects.

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Find out how the Personal Loan works at Bradesco

About Bradesco

O Banco Bradesco SA, also popularly known as Bradesco, is a Brazilian bank, constituted in the form of a corporation, headquartered in Osasco, São Paulo. The bank was founded in 1943 in the city of Marília, in São Paulo, by Amador Aguiar.

Currently, the company offers its customers the opening of current accounts, loans, financing, credit cards and other services.

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How does the Personal Loan work at Bradesco?

O Personal Loan at Bradesco is intended for customers of Bradesco who want to pay off debts, cover expenses and extra expenses or even to travel and carry out new projects in their life. 

In addition, in Bradesco Personal Loan, the customer only starts paying within 90 days to start paying the first installment of the loan and has a period of up to 6 months to pay the installments.

Another advantage of Bradesco Personal Loan is that the customer can pay in up to 72 installments and the maximum loan amount is defined according to an analysis of their financial profile and income. And after your loan is authorized and the contract is signed, the money can quickly fall into your account!

How to apply for a Personal Loan at Bradesco?

To request the Bradesco Personal Loan you need to go to one of the branches of Banco Bradesco in your city, taking your documents, such as the CPF, RG or CNH, proof of income and residence. 

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Soon after, you will need to do a credit analysis and your data, to check if the loan can be released in your name. Then, just wait for the contract in which the amount released, the number of installments and terms to be followed will be defined. 

After signing the contract, the customer will be able to wait a few days and the money will fall into their account and that's it, you can already use it to pay your bills or even to invest in your projects!

Bradesco Personal Loan Interest Rate

The interest rates charged on the Bradesco Personal Loan can vary from 6,66% to 8,99% per month or from 116,73% to 180,86% per year. Therefore, it is necessary to verify that these amounts cannot harm your budget in the future.


For more information about the Bradesco Personal Loan, access Banco Bradesco's website or go to one of the bank's branches in your city. You can also contact us by phone. 0800-704-8383.