If you want to do a loan and don't know exactly where to start, let alone how it works, here are some tips that can help you a lot.

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These loan tips can help you choose the ideal loan, how to balance spending so that debt doesn't increase and much more!

1. Financial situation

First, before requesting any kind of loan, seek to analyze your financial situation to avoid headaches.

We know who is usually looking for a loan because they are in need of money, but it is necessary to be calm and assess whether a loan is less than 30% of your salary and will not further increase your debts.

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2. Pay attention to interest and fees

Before hiring a loan, find out what interest and fees are charged by financial companies. Because that's where the problem can be, sometimes a loan may seem cheap and have many advantages, but the fees and interest are very high.

3. Do a search

If you want to do a loan, first of all, research the best options on the market, the best prices and rates, if possible, even make a negotiation. 

In addition, some companies that offer loan, have the option to simulate indicating which one you would like to borrow and in how many installments you intend to make the payment. That way, it's much easier to know whether or not it can weigh on your budget.

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4. Financial planning

Before requesting a loan, avoid having high debts and only hire this type of service if it is really necessary. 

Therefore, the ideal is to first start by making a financial planning, putting on a paper or even a spreadsheet of all debts and making a calculation of how much is spent monthly. 

5. Look for trusted companies

When making a loan, avoid falling into a scam and look for companies that are better known in the market or do a search to find out if you will find any complaints or even irregularities and if the financial company has a good reputation in the market.

Generally, well-known companies have information at the bottom of the page such as telephone, address, CNPJ and other data. So be wary if you find a site that doesn't have this information.

Finally, to take out a loan you just need to search for the best options and prices, adjust your budget to pay correctly every month and know how to manage your expenses.