It is very common nowadays, at some point in our financial life, to need a loan. Even because, banks exist, exactly for this type of emergency. The big question here is that the vast majority of banks still charge a very high amount of interest and fees, not consistent with the reality of our population.

Therefore, our article today will bring an option, which in addition to being cheaper, with lower interest rates, is still much less bureaucratic than conventional banks. Come meet the IBI Online Loan.

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What are the advantages of making an Online Loan?

Well, using a personal account, I can say that I can only see advantages in any digital service. And when we get to the world of finance, of course it wouldn't be any different.

The fact that there are no branches, excessive employees, and various other types of costs that are directly linked to a bank branch, makes the digital loan, be less bureaucratic, have lower interest and fees and best of all, you can do it without even leaving home.

Is Digital Lending Safe? I can trust?

Yes, but it is important to make a caveat about this. If the bank or digital financial institution is approved by the central bank (which in this case, IBI Digital is authorized to offer this service).

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In these cases, you have complete security that you can make the loan with the company. On the other hand, if the bank or finance company is not authorized by the “BC”, the risk is greater. So stay tuned for this information.

Who is the company IBI Digital?

Currently known as “Fintech”, IBI is a company, or better, a digital finance company, offering services of Credit 100% online. This type of service, which has grown a lot in our country in recent years.

Financeira, despite appearing new on the market, has more than 15 years of experience with loans and financial credit services. In addition, it has already surpassed the mark of 1 million customers served. Numbers from a company that is certainly very reliable.

How to get a Loan with IBI Digital?

As explained during the article, the company is 100% digital, this means that the entire process is carried out through the company's website. So, using this link that I'm going to leave "HERE", you will be directed to the company's website, already in the loans tab.

Arriving at the site, you will soon see some "basic" information about the company's loan services, such as

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  • Loan with values up to R$ 30,000;
  • Interest rate from 2,97% per month;
  • Amount paid in up to 24 months;
  • first installment for 60 days;

This in addition to other information. But just below that, you can find the “Simulate Credit”. Here is where your process really begins. It will direct you to a small screen, where you will register.

This registration, which is the basis for the approval, or not, of your loan request. Therefore, in this registration, under no circumstances, lie or omit any information. This can be very harmful to your credit approval.

Additional Information.

The interest rates of Loan from IBI Digital, As stated earlier, start at 2,97% per month. Of course, this value can be changed according to the values and deadlines requested by the interested party. So, before signing a deal with the company, be aware of these values.

In case you need help, or even if your question was not resolved in this article, we will leave you some direct contacts from IBI, thus facilitating your entire process of loan with the company.

  • Email: Click HERE to go to the company email tab;
  • Telephone for large capitals: 3003-8734
  • Phone for other location: 0800 333 8734

Remembering that IBI's service is provided from Monday to Friday, between hours from 8am to 10pm.