Information and Curiosities Portal

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Money online: learn how to apply for a home loan

Have you ever heard of the loan for negative? After all, everyone knows that financial unforeseen can happen, and with that generate late bills that consequently generate debts. Having too many bills to pay every month is a big problem, imagine you just have to forget to pay one and the snowball generates itself. Keyed up, …


Meet the Personal Loan at FinanZero!

If you are in need of money, the first step is to find the best loan options that suit your budget. But before we talk about the FinanZero loan, it is important to remember that making the decision to lend money must be carefully evaluated and always researching the most affordable options. That's where FinanZero comes in, …

How to simulate loan being Autonomous?

Since 2018, the number of Self-Employed has not stopped growing in our country. And no less. The fact that nowadays, you work for yourself, and even with the possibility of doing a MEI, has helped many small entrepreneurs to start their business life. The big “x of the question” in this case is, …


Loans for Negatives – Here's How to Apply!

According to the latest statistics published in 2018, Brazil had already reached the number of 63 million people with a dirty name. To give you an idea, this represents 30% of Brazilians active in the market. I used these numbers exclusively to remind you that when a person who is negative tries to get a loan …


Online loan of up to 30 thousand with Ibi Digital

It is very common nowadays, at some point in our financial life, to need a loan. Even because, banks exist, exactly for this type of emergency. The big question here is that the vast majority of banks still charge a very high amount of interest and fees, not consistent with the reality of our …