Discover the best applications and find out how to view satellite images live and see any city in the world without leaving home.

Satellite images are a powerful tool for exploring our planet.

By accessing images from a satellite in orbit around the Earth, we can see areas of the world far from us with stunning detail and clarity.

With these types of images it is possible to feel like we are in different parts of the world. And best of all, you don't even have to leave the couch.

This way, you can enjoy the beauty, culture and history of cities around the world, without spending anything for it.


Top Live Satellite Apps

Are you interested in exploring satellite images of your city? With the help of modern technology, it is now possible to do this from the comfort of your home.

To make the most of this experience, we've curated a list of the top 4 apps that let you see your city using satellite images.

1 – Google Earth

O Google Earth is an amazing tool that allows users to explore the world from the comfort of their own home.

But how to view live satellite images on Google Earth?

With its interactive maps and satellite images, it lets you see cities in ways we never would before.

As Google Earth, users can observe their city from a bird's eye view and track how it has changed over time.

Whether you're looking for your neighborhood park or exploring other parts of the world, the Google Earth It will certainly bring an interesting perspective on the environment around you.

The app also offers additional features such as viewing 3D buildings, historical images, detailed street maps, and more.


Through these tools, users can better understand the terrain and landscape of their city. This helps to get an idea of the environment and provides insight into how it has developed over time.

The app is available for free to android and iOS.

2 – Google Maps

In turn, the Google Maps is a powerful and popular GPS app that allows people to explore cities around the world in great detail.

As a result, it has become an indispensable tool for finding locations, navigating unfamiliar areas and planning trips.

In addition, the Google Maps provides a comprehensive view of the cityscape, so users can access satellite imagery from anywhere in the world with just a few clicks.

In addition to providing detailed images of the streets, the Google Maps it also offers aerial views of cities, allowing users to get a closer look at their favorite destinations.

With its vast database of satellite images, it is easy for users to zoom in on landmarks and buildings in any city or region.

This allows them to observe how the landscape differs from place to place or explore new corners of their own city.

The app is available for free to android and iOS.

3 – Waze

the navigation app waze is one of the most popular navigation tools available.

With millions of active users, it has become an invaluable tool for drivers looking for the best way to get around the city.

But with its new satellite imagery capabilities, you can now explore cities in a completely new way.


However, through its integration with Google Maps, the waze now features high-resolution satellite imagery, which provides users with an incredible level of detail.

With these images, you can see everything from nearby schools and parks to airports and monuments.

However, if you want to see what's happening in your neighborhood or even your own backyard, Waze's satellite imagery can help you get the full picture.

Best of all, these images are updated regularly so you always have the most up-to-date view of your area available at your fingertips!

The app is available for free to android and iOS.

4 –

Finally, is an incredible app where people can view cities from an aerial perspective.

With their satellite imagery, users can explore the area around them and discover new places of interest right in their own backyard.

This GPS navigation app connects with OpenStreetMap to provide detailed information about cities, towns, and even villages around the world.

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It provides 2D maps with walking directions as well as 3D models of buildings and landscapes for easy navigation use.

The app also offers points of interest such as restaurants, hotels, bars, shops and more, which are marked on the map to make it easier for users to find what they need quickly and accurately.

Finally, has more than 10 million downloads in 200 countries, making it one of the most popular navigation applications currently available.

The app is available for free to android and iOS.


And then he learned how to view satellite images live? Pretty fun, right?

With them, you can go anywhere in the world without paying anything, much less leaving the couch. In addition, you can also visit the tourist attractions and find out more about each of these cities.