Do you want to watch movies and series for free on your Android and legally? We have selected for you some of the most important content platforms in Spanish, ready for streaming, with high image quality and perfect. Watch now movies and series for free on your cell phone; as well as on TV with Chomecast or Android TV.

Subscriptions to content platforms are out of the question; so if you want access to some of them, you can spend some good money.

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While there are other options, there are also free and legal streaming platforms; always with the logical disadvantage of introduced advertising.

They also suffer from lower quality and less modern content, but it never hurts to have them on hand here are the best free streaming services suitable for Android.

Pluto TV

It is one of the most recent in Spain and also one of the best series and films. divided into channels, the Pluto TV offers content for all audiences and is very popular.

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You don't need an account to access the platform Just open the app and press the play button whatever you want to see.

Rakuten TV

although the Rakuten it is a service that has a cost, the platform offers a part of its catalog free of charge to anyone who creates an account on the service.

This is known as “free”, a section of the app with free movies, documentaries and children's series. Ad-supported content.

Watch World Cup games on mobile



Multimedia content platform based in Latin America that offers a diverse repertoire of series and films.

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Most of its catalog is Latin American, but it also has a varied international selection. And there's no need to sign up: just like Pluto TV, vix lets you watch live with just one click.

netflix free

It cannot be said that Netflix offers a lot of content at no cost, but it is an appetizer for those who do not know if it is worth subscribing. Still, remember one thing: Netflix allows you to stream some episodes and movies without a subscription. You don't need an account.

The free section of Netflix it's not in your Android app, so you'll need a browser to access it. Open your Android and go to this address. So play whatever you want.


The famous local streaming server has opened many other options. As we are talking about: access to free movies and series through streaming. Despite its shortcomings, the quality of the content isn't bad.

Most of the catalog is in English and there are no Spanish (or even English) subtitles. The record in Plex it is not necessary.