Information and Curiosities Portal

melhor aplicativo para ouvir música gospel

Best app for listening to gospel music: enjoy gospel hymns whenever you want

Conheça o melhor aplicativo para ouvir música gospel e fique por dentro das melhores canções de adoração a Deus. Se você quer escutar o melhor da música gospel, com nossa lista de aplicativos você pode! Vamos apresentar algumas opções de apps disponíveis, é só você escolher o ideal para você. Nos últimos anos, conhecemos vários …

Aplicativo para saber onde tem radar

Application to know where there is radar

Are you going to travel and want to know where there is a speed camera? Discover the application to find out where there is a radar and stop receiving fines. We know that one of the biggest precautions on the highway is speed cameras, after all, nobody likes to be fined, right? However, it is not always possible to know where they are …

Aplicativo para aumentar o volume do celular

Mobile volume booster app

Do you want to make your cell phone volume louder? Discover the application to increase the volume of your cell phone and make the sound louder up to 200%. Today there are several ways to make your cell phone volume louder or even improve sound performance. Therefore, you can choose one of several applications…

Aplicativo para assistir novelas online

Application to watch soap operas online

Discover the best app to watch soap operas online and don't miss any chapter of your favorite soap opera. Even with several streaming options available, many people in the world still enjoy watching soap operas. But we are not always at home at the time of the chapter of our favorite soap opera. Mainly, when it is reprized in the …

Aplicativo grátis para descobrir senha de Wi-Fi

Free wifi password finder app

Get to know the free app to discover Wi-Fi password and never run out of internet when you need it most. The internet is essential and indispensable these days. After all, we use it for everything: research, conversations, viewing social media, for work. That is, without it, we are lost. Of course, the internet doesn't...

Assistir telecine online ao vivo

Watch telecine live online

See how to watch telecine online live on your cell phone and access the catalog of movies available in the application. If you're a movie fan and like to watch all the movies that are being released and also the older ones, did you know that this is possible at Telecine? Telecine is nothing more than a …

Google Voos: encontre passagens aéreas baratas

Google Flights: Find cheap flights

Está pensando em viajar mas não consegue encontrar passagens aéreas que cabem no seu bolso? Conheça o Google Voos agora mesmo! Quem nunca esperou ansiosamente pelas férias para colocar o pé na estrada (ou nas nuvens)? A adrenalina da contagem regressiva, escolher o seu próximo destino, reservar hotel, fazer roteiro de viagem, etc… Publicidade – …

Onde assistir doramas grátis

Where to watch free dramas

Saiba onde assistir doramas grátis e acompanhe as emoções dos dramas asiáticos que fazem sucesso no mundo todo. Nos últimos anos, as novelas asiáticas vêm fazendo sucesso com diversas obras com milhares de espectadores. Com muito drama, romance, comédia e até terror, essas produções chegaram com tudo e já tem um lugar garantido na casa …

App para bloquear chamadas de desconhecidos

App to block calls from strangers

Do you receive a lot of calls from unknown numbers and it bothers you? Get to know the app to block calls and put an end to it. Receiving these unwanted calls has been happening all too often over the last few years and it's not pleasant. There are times that the cell phone rings non-stop, from several unknown numbers and it bothers …

Aplicativo de fantasma: 5 aplicativos para caçar fantasmas

Ghost App: 5 Apps to Hunt Ghosts

Are there really ghosts near us? Have no more doubts: use a ghosting app and find out right now. In this article, you will find the best ghost hunting apps that promise to bring the magic of paranormal phenomena into your life in an unforgettable way. The adventure is just beginning! See below for more information…

Como fazer publicidade no Instagram?

How to advertise on Instagram?

Thinking about using Instagram as a work tool? Here are some tips on how to advertise on Instagram. Instagram is undoubtedly one of the biggest active social platforms in the world. According to data, the social network has more than 1.3 billion active users worldwide, being the 4th most used social network. …

Aplicativo para mudar cor do cabelo

app to change hair color

Want to change your look but afraid you won't like it? See the application to change hair color and find out beforehand how the result will be. Just imagine how cool you can see how your hair will look before you really change the look? This is already possible thanks to the various applications aimed at …