Listening to your favorite bands and songs just got easier thanks to apps to listen to music offline that allow you to listen anytime and anywhere.

That way, you can listen to your favorite playlists and artists on the road, without needing the internet or even a way to save your carrier's data package. 

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That's why we've selected some of the best apps to listen to music offline, some of them even allow you to download playlists and albums by singers, check it out.

YouTube Music

O YouTube Music is a new music streaming platform where users can listen to full albums and top releases from different artists.

For premium users, it is possible to listen to music offline and without having to be connected to the internet. Therefore, it is considered one of the apps to listen to music offline more popular.

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O YouTube Music is a good option for those looking for news from their favorite artists and is available for android and iOS


O TIDAL Music is an internationally known music application, through which users can listen to several releases by artists from different countries. In addition, it also has an option to listen to music offline

O TIDAL Music, counts with a large list of artists from different musical genres, in addition to containing exclusive materials from the platform and is available for android and iOS

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However, the function of listening to music without having to be connected to the internet is only available to premium users. Therefore, before registering for streaming, check the available plans.

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O soundcloud, despite being a tool widely used for musical projects, it also has a small musical collection and some artists. However, to have access to the content, you must have a paid account.

The application has different musical genres, in addition to the listen to music offline and even share content on social networks. 

O soundcloud, is an ideal platform for musicians and also lovers of the music world, as it has options to meet new artists and bands, available for iOS and android


O Deezer is also known for being one of the best apps to listen to music offline and through it, the user can download complete playlists of different musical genres and artists.

In addition, it has several musical contents. However, the function of listen to music offline is only available to streaming subscribers. However, it's worth checking out!

O Deezer, is one of the music platforms that, like Spotify, are most sought after by music lovers, with several releases and is available for android and iOS