5G technology is the fifth generation of mobile internet that will reach Brazil with greater range and greater speed, promising a great revolution. 

The new 5G network will enable connectivity between devices and devices and allow access to innovative products and home gadgets…

developing what is known as the Internet of Things (IoT). 

This technology will allow you to connect different devices at home or in the office. 

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The new 5G mobile internet technology will allow it to be used on cell phones and devices that are not connected to wifi or wired internet networks. 

Having a 5G device will allow for better upload and download processing times…

higher data transfer rates per second and up to 90% savings in device power consumption. 

All this thanks to the speed and efficiency of the technology that processes information in a much more agile way. 

How is 5G Internet? 

5G Internet data transmission capabilities are extremely advanced. Thousands of devices.

Furthermore, they can be connected together on the same network and operated remotely, with complete security. 

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The main difference between 5G and 4G is actually the speed at which information is transferred, known as latency. 

For example, a G device takes up to 54 milliseconds to process a 1 gigabyte video download. 

With 5G, it takes 1-2 milliseconds to process up to 20 gigabytes, which means up to 20 times faster speeds for users.

Another difference from 5G is the number of devices that can be connected. 

In 4G, the coverage is 10,000 devices per km, while in 5G, the network coverage can reach 1 million devices per km. 

In a continental country like Brazil, this increase in coverage means that Internet access in rural areas and industrial zones is now without signal. 

 What are the benefits of 5G networks?  

In addition to individual benefits, the evolution of 5G networks will bring faster broadband connection speeds to devices.

This means more people can connect without sacrificing signal quality. 

This innovation also allows the connection of multiple devices at home or in the office.

It's what gives families access to innovative products and home gadgets that haven't been used in the country due to connectivity. 

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The 5G network also allows for higher quality research and remote work through video conferencing, remote access to medicines.

As well as improving urban mobility and developing smart cities.  

Long awaited by Brazilian companies, 5G availability is the passport that will lead to the acceleration and advancement of digitalization in Brazil towards Industry.

In this way, directly contributing to the automation and integration of technologies, including artificial intelligence, robotics and the Internet of Things.

With faster processing speeds and no need for wires to connect machines, operations can be performed more productively.

Producing better results and bringing greater competitiveness to their markets. 

 Which operators have 5G in Brazil? 

In Brazil, there is still no specific network for 5G technology with higher frequencies, however, some companies have deployed their 5G networks on existing frequencies. 

The four main operators in Brazil – Tim, Vivo, Claro and Oi – have launched 5G test platforms.

Effective 5G networks rely on auctions to launch new networks. With the publication of the public notice by Anatel.

And interested suppliers will submit proposals to participate in the auction of the band's operating franchise. 

For cities with more than 30,000 inhabitants, service commitments already in place with 5G technology are foreseen.  

The winners that begin to explore this technology are Winity II Telecom, Brisanet, Consórcio 5G Sul, Cloud2u, Fly Link and Neko Serviços and won for bringing Internet service to people.