Are you one of the people who dreams of smiling again with the famous free dental implant from SUS?

After all, there are many people who are looking forward to getting this much-desired treatment.

Well, we all understand that it is extremely important to have oral health to have quality of life in all aspects of life.

Because this area is present in all aspects of our lives, because a person who has quality of life can relate better with people.

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For example, having friendships, dating, getting a job and communicating well in society. 

A person who does not have healthy teeth may find it difficult to maintain social relationships. 

Not to mention that those who do not have healthy teeth may find it difficult even to eat and chew food correctly…

 And even to sleep, you know?

That's because teeth play a very relevant role in chewing and ocular and auditory muscles. In other words, they are really important. Interesting, right?! 

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For all the importance that teeth have, we have written this informative article to guide you on how to get a dental implant through the SUS.

Want to know more? So keep reading until the end! 

How the dental implant works by SUS

It is possible to get a dental implant for free through the Brasil Sorridente Program. Because the program aims to serve the most financially vulnerable. 

Brasil Sorridente was created in 2003 fur Ministry of Health through a National Oral Health Policy, which was named Brasil Sorridente in the same year.

Through the program, people can conquer several treatments that aim to bring more health and quality of life.

The program also has the purpose of providing educational campaigns in various areas, including schools.

 To act preventively in care, thus avoiding future problems.

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Get to know the Smiling Brazil Program, created in 2003

According to a survey conducted and released by the Ministry of Health, approximately 11% of adults over the age of 18 have already lost a tooth. 

AND 45% of elderly Brazilians over 60 have already lost some or all of their teeth. 

Therefore, the Ministry of Health saw the need to make dental implants available through the SUS in an accessible way for the Brazilian population. 

How to get a dental implant 

To apply for a dental implant, it is necessary to check the official site Brasil Sorridente Program to see if the program is already available in your region. 

If the program is available in your region, just go directly to a basic health unit (postinho) to request assistance. 

Therefore, the dentist on duty will analyze your teeth to put together a strategic care plan.

It is worth remembering that as the assistance of the Brasil Sorridente Program is offered by the SUS, everyone can be served. 

But it is worth noting that people with less purchasing power will have priority in service. 

It is worth remembering that it is necessary to attend the basic health unit with the personal identification document in hand (RG, CNH or work card), proof of residence and SUS card. 

Find out about the services offered by the program:

  • fluoride application
  • Wisdom removal
  • surgeries
  • free dental braces
  • biopsies
  • caries treatment
  • extractions
  • Dental implants
  • cleanings
  • Oral exams for oral cancer detection
  • Tests for infections or other illnesses
  • restorations

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