ever heard of Banco Itaú Motorcycle Auction? 

After all, this is a very popular event among people looking to buy motorcycles at a more affordable price.

All because in the last two years, there has been a significant increase in motorcycle sales. So now the motorcycle auction has become an excellent alternative.

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And, of course, as nothing is by chance... this significant increase had justifications that impacted the lives of many people.

One of these factors was the increase in the price of gasoline, with motorcycles being considered more economical.

In this way, people can also have more practicality in everyday life and also more economy. 

Not to mention that there are also people who turn their motorcycles into work tools, where they become couriers.

Thus, we can say that motorcycles are great allies for those who want a personal and professional assistant.

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Do you want to know more about the Banco Itaú Motorcycle Auction?

How the Banco Itaú Auction works

You itau bank motorcycle auctions take place through the vehicles that were seized by the Bank itself. 

This occurs when owners do not pay their vehicle financing. 

This situation occurs so that banks can sell at auction so as not to be at a loss due to default of the customer. 

Therefore, normally the bank offers a period of up to 4 months for people to pay the installment. 

And during that period of Four months the bank makes several calls to the companies so that it can communicate the situation to the customer. 

However, only as a last resort, when payment is not made by the customer, will the vehicle be seized. 

And, that's why at auctions people find so many semi-new vehicles in good conditions of use. 

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Can everyone participate in the Banco Itaú motorcycle auction?

Yes! Anyone interested can participate.

However, it is necessary to be greater than 18 years and have a personal identification document.

It is worth mentioning that auctions are opportunities for those who want to buy a motorcycle in cash. 

That is, only payment in kind, bank transfer or Pix will be accepted. Only in some cases does funding occur.

Itaú Motorcycle Auction.

Is buying a motorcycle at auction safe? 

Different from what people think, auctions are nobody's land… On the contrary, auctions are offered by many serious and reliable companies. 

But of course, there are many people in the world who are dishonest and want to scam people. That's why it's important to always be careful not to fall into one. 

So always look for the official site from the company. O Itau bank, for example, it works with company partnerships. 

Therefore, it is interesting to look for all the indications on the bank's official website or go directly to a bank branch. 

Another technical tip is to take your mechanic on the day of purchase so that he can help you when choosing. 

This ensures that you are making a smart purchase.