Stay up to date with the best apps to find out plant names and learn more about all the plants you encounter along the way.

Have you ever come across a plant that caught your attention, but you have no idea what its name is? This happens more often than we realize.

Fortunately, technology has come to our aid, offering a variety of apps that can identify plants based on photos or characteristics.

In this article, we'll explore the best apps available to help you find out the names of the plants that cross your path. Let's dive into this botanical world.

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It's common for us to walk around and find various plants and fores along the way. And for those who love nature, the question always remains: what is the name of this plant?

That's where apps for discovering plant names come in. With them, it is possible to know not only the name, but various information about each species.

Therefore, learn more about each of these applications and how they work.

PlantSnap: Identify any plant in a Flash

O PlantSnap is an impressive tool that makes plant identification easier than ever.

In this sense, just take a photo of an unknown plant and the app instantly provides updated information about it, such as its name, characteristics, among others.

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With a large plant library, the PlantSnap is one of the most reliable apps for nature lovers.

The app is available for free download for android and iOS.

Seek By iNaturalist: Nature at Your Reach

already the Seek by iNaturalist is an app that not only identifies plants, but also connects you to a community of nature lovers and botanists.

That is, you can share your discoveries and learn more about the nature around you.

A great choice for those looking for social interaction while learning more about plants, flowers, etc.

The app is available for free download for android and iOS.

Flora Incógnita: Precision in Details

If you are passionate about details, the app Incognito Flora is the perfect choice. This German app is known for its accuracy when identifying plants.

It offers information provided about the species, including unique characteristics and interesting facts.

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O Incognito Flora is available free of charge android and iOS.

PictureThis: Your Pocket Plant Encyclopedia

PictureThis is a pocket-sized encyclopedia for nature lovers. It offers a huge collection of plants, along with information about their properties, care and interesting facts.

This app is a great choice for anyone who wants to learn more about the plants they encounter along the way.

The PictureThis app is available for android and iOS.

Tips for Better Results

To get the best results when using these applications, here are some useful tips that will help:

  1. Good Lighting: Take photos in places with good lighting so that apps identify plant characteristics more accurately.
  2. Suitable Framing: Remember to frame the plant so that all the important parts are visible in the photo.
  3. Photo Unique Details: If the plant has specific characteristics, take photos of them up close so the app can better identify them.
  4. Update Your Knowledge: Use apps as a learning opportunity. Read the information provided to better understand the plants you identify.


Identifying plants has never been easier, thanks to modern technology and specialized apps.

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With options like PlantSnap, Seek by iNaturalist, Flora Incognita and PictureThis at your disposal, you can enjoy your outdoor walks or your garden even more.

Try these apps and dive into the wonderful world of botany.