You recovered cars are vehicles that were taken from their former owners by a bank or financial company, because they came from a financing that was not successful or even were recovered from thefts, robberies or accidents.

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These cars are usually auctioned after being repossessed and can be sold for more affordable prices. Therefore, today we are going to talk a little about how the salvaged car auction, how to participate and if it's really worth it.

How does a salvaged car auction work?

O salvaged car auction is a sale of vehicles in lots that have been repossessed by banks and insurance companies. These vehicles are recovered due to non-payment of a loan or they were recovered from thefts, robberies or accidents.

However, there are some differences between cars recovered from financing and damaged cars. That's because damaged cars were recovered from thefts or even got involved in an accident. Cars recovered from financing, on the other hand, may be in good condition and were just returned to the bank.

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These auctions can be face-to-face or virtual, in which buyers must place their bids and the one who manages to place the highest bid wins. 

After the auction, whoever buys the car must sign a contract confirming the purchase. In addition, in some cases, it is also necessary to pay a percentage of the bid amount to the auction company that is responsible for organizing the event.

How to participate in the salvaged car auction?

to participate in salvaged car auction, whether from banks or insurance companies. You have to keep an eye on the edict to know where to register. 

Auctions are usually held in partnership with an auctioneer. Therefore, it is necessary to look at the notice and access the official page to register and have access to vehicle information. 

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On the official page of the auction, after registering, the customer can access the vehicle's complete file, to learn more about its origin. In addition to all information about the event, such as date, time, location and what the opening bids will be. 

During the salvaged car auction, the customer will have access to the site and will be able to start bidding on the cars for sale and the one who manages to place the highest bids will be able to win the car. After that, you need to contact the company to find out all the necessary information, such as fees to be paid and others. 

Is it worth participating in a salvaged car auction?

O salvaged car auction is good chance of finding big brand cars for more affordable values than zero km cars from stores or dealerships. However, a recovered car may have some mechanical problems, if it has been recovered from an accident, for example. 

For this reason, some of these lots are at the discretion of the buyer whether they will be sold to use the parts or whether repairs will be made so that they can be used normally. 

In the same way, recovered cars by banks, despite being in good condition, usually have overdue debts. And therefore, the buyer will need to settle all debts and regularize the vehicle to be able to circulate with it. 

Furthermore, it is recommended that the buyer interested in participating in a salvaged car auction have a good amount of money to invest in the vehicle and research the origin of the vehicle to find out if it will really be worth investing in it.