Information and Curiosities Portal

Showing: 1 - 12 of 17 RESULTS
GPS para tratores

GPS for tractors

Discover the best GPS applications for tractors that optimize your time and increase efficiency in your field operations. Agriculture has benefited greatly from technology in recent years, and one of the most transformative developments has been the use of GPS for tractors. These systems not only increase the precision of agricultural operations,…

Aplicativos Para Personalizar Convites

Applications to Personalize Invitations

Want to create and personalize invitations? Discover incredible apps to make your invitations unique and special. Customizing invitations is a popular trend, especially with the availability of so many apps that make this process easier. Whether you're planning a party, wedding, corporate event or any other celebration, a personalized invitation can make all the difference...

Aplicativo Para Personalizar Capinha de Celular

Application to Personalize Cell Phone Case

Discover the application to customize cell phone cases. Discover exclusive designs and create your personalized case now! Personalizing personal objects is a common practice, especially when it comes to cell phones and other everyday items. For example, the phone cases themselves, which not only protect the devices, but also allow…

ler o Alcorão pelo celular

Application to read the Quran Online

Do you want to read the Quran and learn more about its teachings? Discover apps to read and delve deeper into the sacred Islamic text. In recent years, technology has influenced different aspects of everyday life in various ways, including religious practice. The Quran is the holy book of Islam, and its reading is very important...

Aprenda a consultar a conta de luz pelo celular

Learn how to check your electricity bill on your cell phone

See how to check your electricity bill on your cell phone. Access your invoice, debits, payment and other services online. Practicality has always been essential, especially in today's era, where days are so busy that our tasks often overwhelm us. And this is reflected in the different ways of accessing essential services, such as…

Aprenda a se maquiar com o curso de maquiagem online grátis

Learn how to apply makeup with the free online makeup course

Discover the free online makeup course and learn how to apply makeup at home with apps on your cell phone and step by step for beginners. Makeup transforms your appearance and raises self-esteem. And best of all, you don't need to be an expert to do a good make-up. And not even spend a fortune…

Inscrições para o The Voice Kids

Registration for The Voice Kids

Practical guide on how to register for The Voice Kids and not miss the deadline for the next editions. The Voice Kids is a television program that emerged as a variation of the famous The Voice, and aimed at talented children and teenagers. The children's version of this musical reality show stood out...

Como Compartilhar a Conta da Netflix

How to Share Netflix Account

Learn how to share your Netflix account in a simple and practical way. Enjoy your favorite content with friends and family. Sharing a Netflix account is a common practice among friends and family, mainly because it helps save money. However, it is important to know exactly who you are sharing your data with, as malicious people can…

Descubra a velocidade máxima que o pneu suporta

Find out the maximum speed the tire can handle

Do you know the maximum speed the tire can handle? Find out now, save money and drive safer! When it comes to driving safety and performance, understanding the maximum speed your vehicle's tire can handle is critical. This knowledge not only helps maintain tire integrity, but also ensures…

Curso de massagem grátis

Free massage course

Learn massage techniques with free massage course apps. Online classes on your cell phone to learn whenever and wherever you want. If you've ever thought about learning massage without spending anything, believe me, it's possible thanks to a variety of apps. Whether for relaxation, therapy or professional development, there are several options that offer complete classes…

Como será seu futuro filho?

What will your future child be like?

See what your future child will look like with this incredible filter. Free app to find out who your child will look like. Curiosity about the future is a defining trait of humanity. From predicting what the climate will be like decades from now to imagining the faces of future children. In fact, human beings are always…

cursos de manicure grátis

Free Manicure Courses to Help You Become a Professional!

Se você está lendo esse artigo, é provável que sonhe em se tornar uma manicure profissional e ter uma carreira muito lucrativa, não é verdade? Investindo seu tempo em cursos de manicure grátis, você pode dar o primeiro passo para realizar esse sonho, agora mesmo! Para nós brasileiros, essa pode parecer uma profissão “comum”, mas …