If you are expecting a baby and are anxious to hear your child's heartbeat, discover the application to listen to the baby's heart.

First-time mothers or those who already are are anxious at each ultrasound to hear about their baby.

And one of the most exciting moments in those moments is listen to the baby's heart and know that that little being is in there.

For this reason, many mothers seek help from technology during pregnancy.

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And in that sense, it is already possible listen to the baby's heart via cell phone, did you know? Well, that's thanks to the apps available for android and iOS.

Therefore, we selected the best apps for you to know and help you in this very happy and important moment. See more.


Available for Android and iOS

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O Bellabeat is one of the main apps where you can hear your baby's heartbeat using your cell phone.

That is, you won't need a heart monitor to be able to hear your child's heartbeat.

That way, just install the app on your cell phone and you'll be able to hear the baby's heartbeat no matter where you are.

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Pregnancy Tracker

Available to android and iOS

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In turn, the Pregnancy Tracker app is also an excellent option for you to listen to your child's heartbeat.

However, in addition, the application also has other functions that will help you to follow the pregnancy.

All of this makes it even easier for future dads, as pregnancy is a time that requires a lot of attention.


Available to android and iOS

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Likewise, the BabyDoppler is another tool available to monitor the heartbeat and know how your baby's health is doing.

The application is available for free for Android and iOS and has several features available in addition to listen to the baby's heart.

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For example, symptoms, contractions, cravings, upcoming appointments, among others.


Available for Android and iOS

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Finally, we have HiMommy, another really cool app to accompany your pregnancy thanks to the different features available.

Among them, you can also use your cell phone to listen to the baby's heartbeat and know if everything is okay.

In this way, it is much easier to know if your baby is fine and also inform you about the stages of pregnancy and other situations experienced.


Of course, these apps serve as a diversion for future dads. That is, they should not be replaced by appointments and follow-up with the doctor.

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Because your baby's health and a healthy pregnancy depend on prenatal care.

But the important thing is to play and be able to share these moments with your family and friends.

Just don't forget to see your doctor regularly to monitor the pregnancy and find out if everything is fine with your baby.

And enjoy this special moment and lots of love and affection.