If you are looking to improve your knowledge in a certain language, know that it is possible to learn, for example, the English language without leaving home. That's because there are several apps that are interactive and allow the user to learn different languages all through the cell phone.

With that in mind, we created a list with 5 apps to learn english on mobile, some of them the student can talk to people from different countries to train the language and also use everyday materials to learn a new language.

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Some of these apps are completely free and easy to use, with activities, chats, videos and other content to improve your knowledge and make you practically fluent. So stay tuned to this article if you want to learn to speak several languages without leaving home!

Apps to learn English on mobile

1. Busuu

O busuu is an application that was created with the aim of teaching languages at a distance. In addition, some functions allow the user to chat with users from other countries in order to improve the language.

to use the busuu, you can download it from your app store, remembering that it is available for iOS and android. After downloading, just create a login and choose which languages you want to start learning, choosing the activities to start.

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2. Voxy

O voxy is an application that uses music, news and conversation so that users can learn other languages more easily, using everyday instruments. In this way, the student can better develop writing, speaking and writing.

To start learning different languages using the voxy, you need to download it from your app store. Remembering that it is available for android and iOS. After downloading, just choose which language you want to start learning and do the proposed activities.

3. UpMind

O UpMind is an application in which the user can improve his English language in a more fun way, through games and challenges that stimulate learning in different situations.

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To use the app UpMind and start learning different languages, you need to download the application which is only available for iOS. After downloading, just create a quick registration and choose which language you want to start.

4. Duolingo

O Duolingo is an app that teaches more traditional languages such as English and Spanish, but you can choose other languages and study up to four different languages with exercises and interactive activities.

To use the app Duolingo, you must download it from your app store, remembering that it is available for iOS and android. After that, just choose which language you want to learn first and that's it!

5. Babbel

O Babbel is an application where the student can learn a specific language, just select from the menu which language they would like to learn, such as English, Spanish, French and more.

Through this language app, you can start learning different languages at levels such as beginner, intermediate and advanced. the application of Babbel is available for iOS and android.