If you dream of renovating your home but are unable to afford it at the moment, the Home Sweet Home 2024 come here!

Yes, the famous reform board created by Luciano Huck has vacancies open for you to sign up.

Home Sweet Home arrives for a new season this year, with new and inspiring stories, transforming not only the home, but the lives of many families.

In the past, the team commanded by Huck belonged to Caldeirão. However, with the presenter moving to Sunday afternoons, you can now follow him on Domingão com Huck.

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Many families and lives have already been transformed by the painting since its debut on TV, back in 2004.

In other words, if you dream of renovating your home, but are currently unable to afford it, Lar doce Lar can help you.

To find out more about registration and about Lar doce Lar, read on and we’ll explain.

Do you know how Home Sweet Home works?

The main focus of the team is to help countless families throughout Brazil, offering a lot of solidarity, empathy and respect to others.

During the almost 20 years of the project, we have seen several families in need fulfilling their dream of having a home the way they always dreamed.

Therefore, if your dream is to change your home, you can now sign up to participate in the Home Sweet Home 2023.

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After closing applications for the board, the program carefully reviews all registered families. This is because the team takes into account the real needs of each family.

To achieve this, there is a real team behind it, from archives, engineers, contractors and even volunteers.
Everyone comes together with the same purpose: to change the lives of the selected families.

After all, one of the objectives of the framework is to provide these families with an environment in which they feel comfortable.

How do I sign up for Lar doce Lar?

The process is very simple and can be done in two ways: by letter or online. This way, if you don't have internet access, you can still submit your application.

Therefore, we will explain in detail how to register using both methods.

Home Sweet Home 2024: send your application by letter

The letter process is very simple and anyone can do it.

To begin, tell your story and your family's story. The program likes details, so don't skimp. Talk about day-to-day difficulties, how many people live in the area, among others.

And of course, don't forget to talk about why you believe that Home Sweet Home can change your life and that of those who live with you.

Another important point is to detail the condition of your home, how many rooms and what improvements you would like to make. Sending photos or drawings that illustrate this part is also impotent.

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Finally, don't forget to send your contact details, such as address and telephone number, so that the team can contact you if selected.

Now the most important moment has arrived: sending the letter.

In this part, place the letter in an envelope addressed to Lar doce Lar and send it to the address: Caixa Postal Domingão com Huck: 70540 CEP: 22741-941.

Home sweet home: how to register online?

Registering online is very easy and quick. See the step by step:

Visit the official website

To get started, go to the official website of the Lar doce Lar board. Make sure you are accessing the correct website as there are many invalid addresses on the internet,

Create an account or log in

To proceed with registration, you need to access the account with your email and password. If you don't have registration, you need to create an account.

Complete the registration form

Once this process is complete, you will find the registration form online. There, you need to provide all the requested data in detail.

For example: personal information, family details, property status, reason for registration and sending photos or videos.

Review application

It is important to review all details and data provided at the time of registration. Once done, click Submit.

Wait for the team to contact you

Once you submit your application, it will be available for review. Therefore, the program team will carefully review all applications.

If you are selected, you will receive contact from the Lar doce Lar team.

And if you're not selected at first, don't give up or be sad! Keep trying, one day, your story will serve as an inspiration to many families!