meet the GPS for tractors, an application that optimizes agricultural precision and increases efficiency in your field operations.

Agriculture has benefited greatly from technology, and one of the most transformative components has been the use of GPS for tractors.

These systems not only increase the precision of agricultural operations, but also optimize resource use and reduce costs.

The Tractor GPS Revolution

Precision and Efficiency

GPS systems for tractors offer incredible accuracy, essential for precision agriculture.

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With these systems, farmers can plan and execute operations with minimal margin for error.

That is, less waste of inputs, such as seeds and fertilizers, and a more uniform harvest.

Cost Reduction

The accuracy provided by these applications also leads to significant cost savings.

In other words, less overlap in the application of inputs means less waste, resulting in money savings.

Additionally, increased efficiency reduces tractor operating time, saving fuel and reducing wear and tear on machines.

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Sustainable agriculture is a growing need, and such tools help farmers achieve this goal.

By optimizing the use of inputs and reducing waste, these systems contribute to agricultural practices that are less aggressive towards the environment.

GPS App for Tractors


O AgriBus is an excellent solution known for its intuitive interface and advanced features.

It offers real-time mapping, allowing farmers to monitor and adjust their operations while in the field.

As well as compatibility with a wide range of devices, which facilitates its integration with different types of agricultural equipment.

Other Features

  • No internet connection required
  • Night mode
  • Input application management


O FieldBee is a GPS application that stands out for its accuracy and accessibility.

Using RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) corrections, it provides accuracy of up to 2 centimeters, ideal for operations that do not allow for error.

It is known to be an economical option, which in fact makes cutting-edge technology accessible to small and medium-sized farmers.

Other Features

  • Data stored in reports
  • Notes directly in the app
  • Night mode

Field Navigator

O Field Navigator is an essential tool for farmers looking to optimize their daily operations.

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This app not only provides GPS guidance with reliable accuracy but also provides planning and monitoring of field tasks.

With a user-friendly interface, the platform facilitates agricultural management, from planting to harvesting.

Other Features

  • Satellite Image Navigation
  • Measurement of areas and perimeters
  • Integrated and external GPS receiver

Agricision onTrak

O Agricision onTrak is a user-friendly GPS system designed to improve the efficiency of agricultural operations.

It offers accurate guidance and is known for its simplicity of installation and use.

Therefore, onTrak is an excellent option for farmers who want a practical and effective solution to improve their agricultural practices.

Other Features

  • Record of worked areas
  • Viewing satellite images
  • Visual section control with automatic coverage


although the Lact@Farm While it is best known for its herd management features, it also offers useful tools for GPS navigation.

This application is ideal for farms that combine agriculture and livestock, providing an integrated solution for complete farm management.

Other Features

  • Weather forecasts
  • Monitoring and maintenance of field vehicles
  • Complete solution for mixed farms


In short, GPS systems for tractors are transforming agriculture, making it more accurate, efficient and sustainable.

These apps offer a range of functionalities that meet the varied needs of modern farmers.

By adopting these technologies, farmers can significantly improve their operations, save resources and promote more sustainable agricultural practices.

In other words, implementing these systems on tractors is not just a trend, but a necessity for the agriculture of the future.