He wants learn to put on makeup? Stay connected to the best apps available and do your professional makeup easily.

Technology has been improving more and more and bringing new features, making our daily lives even more functional.

There are already several different topics that arise daily and people who love technology always want to stay up to date. 

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This time, we are talking about applications for learn to put on makeup, something very functional that can make people's lives (especially women's) more practical. 

Furthermore, many of them even allow you to simulate makeup on your cell phone, so you can record videos and take photos “with makeup on”, all without having to make any effort.

Not to mention that with the resources that serve to simulate makeup, it is still possible to test makeup on your face before purchasing the products.

Do you want to know which applications are recommended for learn to put on makeup and simulate makeup on your face? So, continue reading until the end! 

MakeUp Plus

with the app MakeUp Plus People can test many makeup options to create countless combinations.

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For example, learning how to do the dreaded eyeliner, which is a challenge for many women, and smoky eyes, another well-used makeup look.

Furthermore, the application also teaches you how to apply lipstick correctly, among other possibilities. 

In addition to simulate makeup, it is still possible to take photos using the filter on your face and publish them on your social networks.

The application is available for free download for android.

YouCam MakeUp

Are you looking for an app to learn how to do makeup quickly and practically? So, this app is the recommendation! 

As YouCam MakeUp It is possible to find basic functional options, such as changing the lipstick color, adding blush, changing the eyeliner color and even other makeup options. 

In addition, the app has other more complex features, such as slimming the face, contouring the cheeks and even designing eyebrows. 

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The app is available for download android and iOS.

Perfect 365: Facial Makeup

Do you want a makeup effect like someone who just left the beauty salon? This is exactly the description of this application in the Play Store app store.

Perfect 365: Facial Makeup promises to revolutionize the look of photos in just a few moments, inspired by the makeup of famous celebrities. 

This application is available for cell phones iOS and Android. 


With the intense makeup feature available on Facetune, try applying different colors of eyeshadow, lipstick, blush and even foundation. 

The application also makes it possible to apply eyelashes and intensify the natural color of lips for those who wish. 

Therefore, the facetune It also offers the chance to record videos and take photos with the effect applied to the face.


What did you think of this tip? With the apps we recommend, learning how to apply makeup has never been so easy and accessible.

Now, you no longer have any excuses to always go out with the same makeup, without doing anything different.

And stay tuned for our next beauty tips and more!